
Showing posts from April, 2019

Failures of investigation

Slightly revised Nov. 16 2011 Explosive traces in 9/11 dust? Media ducked claim by experts July 14, 2011 The "criminal-media nexus" under fire in London draws attention to major news events that have gone unreported by the mainstream press on both sides of the Atlantic. In 2009, for example, a team of scientists reported that evidence of an advanced explosive, favored by the Pentagon, had been found in the dust of the collapsed World Trade Center towers. This paper came after an admission by the National Institute for Standards and Technology that it had done no forensic tests in its investigation of the collapses. Yet a search today of Google News for the name of one of the investigators, Niels Harrit, a chemistry professor at the University of Copenhagen, turned up no mainstream news organizations, other than Berliner Umschau, which cited Harrit in an opinion piece. In the paper, published by the Open Chemical Physics Journal, the scientists told of finding red-gray...

Sundry old posts

Znewz1 The bugs on the site are intractable and so for the time being this URL will be home to the Znewz1 blog of Paul Conant, the newsman caught in a legal and journalistic limbo that we're not supposed to talk about. So, shhh... (Note: if an advertised post doesn't appear, try a bit later.) Friday, September 26, 2008 'Red alert' story vanishes The bailout talks have failed. Much of the GOP is in revolt. Wall Street biggies are horrified at not being able to stay in control. So I go to the LA Times website about five minutes ago in order to see that paper's take on the crisis. The screen says that Pentagon security has been breached and that the nation is now on red alert. Then, the screen disappears and the bailout story shows up. I can't retrieve the "red alert" story, so I don't know what's going on. Google turns up nothing relevant. I was just at the New York Times ...

'Activist scientist backs 9/11 line' and other old blog posts

The Znewz1 blog Paul Conant, aka Roger Conant, has reported for the New York Times. Conant is "that guy" who exists in a legal and media limbo that we're not supposed to talk about explicitly. Shhh... [Email:] Fight net censorship: LINK THIS BLOG TO YOUR SITE.  Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. This blog's ever-morphing bugs are intractable. I will try using another account. Please see SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2006 Activist scientist backs official 9/11 line Manuel Garcia, a government weapons scientist, has gone to bat for the official narrative of the collapses of the World Trade Center towers as part of an assault by a group of leftists on those skeptical of government findings and the implication of a conspiracy within federal agencies. Three analyses by Garcia were published by the noted leftist Alexander Cockburn in Cockburn's magazine Counterpunch. Cockburn, an Ir...