
Showing posts from September, 2018

The Real Purpose of 'Military Tribunals' (Archived)

OpEdNews Op Eds  2/6/2010 at 23:58:30 The Real Purpose of 'Military Tribunals' By  Paul Conant                 (Page 1 of 1 pages)       Permalink      (# of views)     No comments Related Topic(s):  9-11 ;  Military Tribunals ,  Add  Tags Add  to My Group(s) View Ratings  |  Rate It - Advertisement - A CALL TO ACTION Who stands to gain from forcing the administration to try the 9/11 suspects in a military tribunal, where standards of evidence are lower? A vigorous defense in civilian court would put the true conspirators to shame, as the Moussoui trial showed. Rather than worry about pesky inconsistencies getting before the public, why not hold quick show trials under tight Pentagon control? Some of the pressure to block the trials is mere opportunistic fear-mongering by amoral politicians, but we can be sure that some of the flack has its source in Control Central, which seeks to keep America blind and dumb. So what's the next

'Red alert' story vanishes (archived)

Friday, September 26, 2008 'Red alert' story vanishes The bailout talks have failed. Much of the GOP is in revolt. Wall Street biggies are horrified at not being able to stay in control. So I go to the LA Times website about five minutes ago in order to see that paper's take on the crisis. The screen says that Pentagon security has been breached and that the nation is now on red alert. Then, the screen disappears and the bailout story shows up. I can't retrieve the "red alert" story, so I don't know what's going on. Google turns up nothing relevant. I was just at the New York Times and Washington Post sites. They had nothing. So is that weird or what? I can't help but suspect that the administration is about to force through its bailout program via martial law imposed following a major "terrorist" attack that is on the verge of being staged. Posted by  Znewz1   at  7:26 AM   45 COMMENTS: