The Real Purpose of 'Military Tribunals' (Archived)
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Who stands to gain from forcing the administration to try the 9/11 suspects in a military tribunal, where standards of evidence are lower? A vigorous defense in civilian court would put the true conspirators to shame, as the Moussoui trial showed.
Rather than worry about pesky inconsistencies getting before the public, why not hold quick show trials under tight Pentagon control?
Some of the pressure to block the trials is mere opportunistic fear-mongering by amoral politicians, but we can be sure that some of the flack has its source in Control Central, which seeks to keep America blind and dumb.
So what's the next move for those of us who remain outraged at the high-handed misconduct --treason-- of the covert control freaks.
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* A citizens commission -- not appointed by a government entity -- to reinvestigate the facts of the 9/11 attacks. The panel should be composed of several people, from the left, right and center,with substantial credentials for such an inquiry. They should review all published evidence, interview witnesses and carry out experiments, as needed. They should publish a final report.
* A board of scientific inquiry -- again, not appointed by a government entity -- to thoroughly review the investigations of the collapses of the twin towers and Building 7 by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. The aim would be to determine whether scientific fraud has been committed. If outright fraud is not determined, the experts should still assess whether the conclusions were warranted and honestly presented.
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The matter of organizing such inquiries should be handled carefully in order to guard against infiltration and takeover by adversaries, and this brings us to the matter of funding. I favor funding by small individual contributions in order to try to limit the impact of excessively egotistical personalities who might involve themselves in such endeavors.
But, you say, talk is cheap. What about making it happen? Yes, about all I can do is offer ideas. But surely there are others far more gifted than am I who are able to organize such actions effectively. Well, please do.
And don't think that it must be left to Americans. Citizens of every country that has felt the impact of the "war on terror" have an interest in conducting such inquiries. Then, the various indpendent inquiries will help to form a global voice in favor of 9/11 truth and justice, and reprimanding cowardly, controlled media.
That sounds as though I have prejudged the outcomes of the inquiries. True, I am very confident that reasonable investigators will findnothing but garbage in the official claims concerning 9/11.
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